Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Chickens? What chickens?

We're continuing on with this blog stuff. It fills a good ten minutes of my daily life, which is necessary.

I just found out this weekend that a good friend of mine has NEVER seen the Willy Wonka movie. I've alerted the proper authorities. I figure she'll be well on her way back to whatever planet she's from fairly soon.

I have a tendency to get "Paul Revere" by the Beastie Boys stuck in my head. When I was in high school, I used to listen to that song relentlessly, and I think I'm paying for it now. That, or all of the illicit drugs I've done are having their way with my head.

Just when you think TV couldn't suck enough ... the summer season is here!

I like to play games with myself physically. No, not those kind of games - get your head out of the gutter! I'm talking about eating a pound of cheese, then a box of Raisin Bran, just to see what happens.

Dunno if you've seen Scott Weiland lately, but he'd be my best bet in the Death Pool. Yikes! Saw the new Velvet Revolver video, and he looks worse than Heidi Fleiss. Not good. Not good at all. Someone should get him a copy of Layne Staley's last days, quick.

Checked the movie 28 Grams the other night. Interesting stuff. I really liked the way they did the sequences out of order, but it kind of dragged in some places. I have a hard time looking at Naomi Watts without seeing images of The Ring, too, which is too bad. She's hecka hot. Both Sean Penn and Benicio have something about them that's just fascinating to watch. Can't really put my finger on it, but it's there. Give it a rental if you haven't checked it.

Ok, that's it for now. My stream of consciousness is just a creek (prounounced 'crick' where I'm from) right now.


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