Monday, December 12, 2005

A'ight, you should probably be sitting down before you read the next few lines. If you're wearing a hat, might want to take it off, lest it pop off your head and hit the ceiling. Those with children or expecting ... take extreme care.

I didn't go out at all this weekend. Zip. Zippo. Bupkis. Nada.

Ooooh, sorry. I was afraid that some might faint from this news. You ok? Here, put some ice on that.

Yeah, it was a very odd weekend. I barely left the couch, other than to go to the gym and to clean the kitchen. I was even all dolled up on Saturday night and had half a drink in me in prep for hitting the square, and I bailed. Ended up staying home and watching movies and TV.

So, here's what I watched during the course of the weekend, with the appropriate notes:

Menace II Society
- in all of these 'hood movies, someone always dies in the end - Boyz, Menace, New Jack City, South Central, etc. I like all of those movies, but I just sit and wait for someone to get shot. You know it's comin'. Suffice it to say that if I lived in any of these 'hoods, any time a car turned onto my street, I'd be diving under the porch.

- A'ight, people love to hate this movie, but I love it, so bite me. Why? There aren't any WTF? situations with the main characters when the boat starts going down. You know those situations - there are usually about 50 in your average horror movie - why are they walking down into the dark basement, why are they having sex in the killer's bed, why are they turning their back to the murderer when we all KNOW he ain't dead ... stupid noise like that. Well, that Titanic couple pretty much did logical stuff when that thing started going down. I'm hip to that.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Whateverthatnameis (twice)
- I'm a big fan of the first one, but I think this one is my favorite, because it's so dark. I like dark. Plus, the kid that plays Neville Longbottom just keeps getting uglier as he gets older. Gotta feel for that kid. The only major issue - no sorting hat! The sorting hat is the coolest thing ever. Period. Arguing this is not allowed.

"Ha! Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you... Gryffindor!"

- What, I'm some sorta comedian? I'm here to amuse you? What the F is so funny about me?

Meet The Parents
- Ok, so for some reason, I have this thing for the woman that plays the lead in this movie. She's even hotter in the second one. I spent most of this movie trying to figure out why I find her so hot. Still haven't figured it out. Plus, Ben Stiller plays an unlikable character in every movie he's in - fascinating.

What's Eating Gilbert Grape
- A personal favorite.

- Ok, so my future wife just won a million dollars. That might make it a little tougher to get her to agree to be my future wife, but I'm workin' on it. I figure as a fall back, I still have Rebecca from the Amazing Race of a few seasons ago.

So, I don't really like winter. Unless it gets me out of work, snow is useless to me, and part of the reason I stayed in this weekend was the cold. But, possibly the worst part of winter is the increase in laundry. Since I'm wearing more layers, that means more laundry. Doing laundry sucks, doing more laundry sucks more. A simple equation. Another point that is unarguable.

I'm also one of those people that can't seem to get the laundry from the basket to the drawers/closets. I basically live out of the basket. I'm a Basket Liver! A Basket Case? Hmm ...


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