Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ok, I want some answers RIGHT NOW. Which one of youse forgot to tell me that the 19th was official "Talk Like A Pirate" Day? I mean, have you seen the label of my favorite alcoholic beverage? There's a friggin' PIRATE on there! I'm very disappointed in all of you. Go to your rooms.

Yeah! There's nothing quite as good as not taking any responsibility for your own actions. It's all YOUR fault that I missed it. Woot!

So, if you live in the Gulf area, are you thinking of moving? I mean, this latest little honey of a hurricane is off the charts. Last I read, it's so strong, they were wishing they had another friggin' category. Um, yeah. Once the bad weather starts getting to the point where they have to invent measurements, I'm thinking it's time to hit the bricks. I'm crazy like that.

Along those lines, how much does it suck to have the name Katrina right now? I mean, my first reaction when I hear that name is to flinch. Not so good.

I've found a pretty easy way to tell when the furballs need their nails trimmed. If I pick one up, and the rug comes up with them ... yeah, it's time for a trim. The beauty of the trim is that they both absolutely HATE it. I've gotten to the point where I don't have to wrap them in a blanket, but it's still major drama queen time in cat world.

The cool thing is, they're siblings, so when one is on the "cutting block", the other sort of circles around on the floor nearby. Very protective, those two. I'm waiting for them to jump me in the middle of the night and start cutting my nails. Not that I couldn't use it, I just don't think they'd be very good at it. Lack of thumbs and all that noise, doncha know.

Fiona Apple has been found! She has a CD coming out next month - 'bout damned time! I also got the new Sheryl Crow, although I haven't listened to it yet. I'm a little bit afraid to - I'm worried that we've lost Sheryl to the happy side. Those of us on the dark side can't be losing members ... who's going to make cookies for the meetings?

Great news! I went to the gym tonight, and the Three Stooges have returned ... and they've added two others. They must be putting something good in the water at the Stooge house. So, now I have to think of a new name. Stooges +2 doesn't really cut it, and I'm not sure Stooges is good enough for these dopes. Since there's 5 of them, I thought about the Backstreet Boys, but they're women, so that won't work. If I wanted to be really cruel, I'd call them Paris Hilton and 4 Paris Hilton clones, but that's kinda evil. Maybe I'll go with the Spice Girlss. Yeah, I know there were only 4 (I think), but I added the extra S.

Haha! The hot neighbor broke down and watched Napoleon Dynamite tonight and hated it. This is our text conversation to date:

She: Stupid movie!
Me: Tina! Come get some ham!
She: So not funny
Me: C'mon, Napoleon - gimme some of your tots!

'Course, tomorrow, I've GOT to send her the Napoleon Dynamite sound page. This could be entertainment for weeks, people.

Tonight, I played my virtual "Reunion Concert", in which I go home and play all of the 80s tunes I know on the guitar in front of thousands of people I know. It'll never, ever happen, because I have the worst voice in the history of music, but it's fun to pretend. No, I don't dress up for this, dorknerd. Here's the playlist:

Cuts Like A Knife - Bryan Adams
On The Dark Side - John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band (it's just fun to say!)
Shame On The Moon - Bob Seger
Sweet Sixteen - Billy Idol
Tiny Dancer - Elton John
Lullaby - The Cure (no one would know the song, but it's a favorite of mine)
Pink Houses - John Mellencamp

Needless to say, I rocked the house, got everyone to sing along, ended with a cool encore, and got a standing O. I even practiced telling people to put their hands together and did a "call and refrain" section in Cuts Like A Knife ... you know, the Na Na part. Yes, I'm a dorknerd.

I love Fiona, as I've noted before, but when I listen to her, it doesn't matter what mood I'm in, it'll get darker. I could win the lottery, put on Fiona, and I'd start bitching about the taxes. Ah well, I'd still do her - dark li'l vixen that she is. Ha!


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