Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Man. From the "this used to be funny and now it's creepy" category, I give you the chickenhawk. Not sure how many of you remember the chickenhawk from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, but that was one funny li'l dude. There are few things I enjoy saying more than "I'm a chickenhawk!", in that tough little voice of his. So, for whatever reason, he popped into my head today. When I went to google to see if I could find a picture, I found out that chickenhawk is also a name for a pedophile that preys on young boys. Swell. What's going to be ruined next, Wile E. Coyote? Mr. Greenjeans? Pez?

A'ight, to the weekend for a fairly quick recap. Here's a pretty basic rule I learned on Friday - if a bar has a 2 for 1 drink special, don't have Jack (that would be me) show up before everyone else to get a head start on drinking. By the time my friends showed up, I was seeing double - wait, the drinks were 2 for 1 - I guess I was seeing quadruple. Anyway. The rest of the night was a mass of stupidity and strangeness, the likes of which I can hardly remember ... which I think is a good thing in this case. I may have offended half of the spin instructors at my gym, though, so I've got that going for me.

Saturday, much better. Hit the gym to sweat out the junk, then I crashed the Men's Wearhouse for some duds.

An aside - I like to call this place the Men Swearhouse, and then cuss. You know - I'm going to the Men Swearhouse, so's I can swear, damnit to hell. Yes, I'm a fool.

The key reason for going to the MW was to get my DC uniform, but I also needed some work clothes. Well, and those of you that read this blog regularly might want to cover your eyes, I almost bought a striped shirt! If they had it in my size, I would've been wearing it on Saturday night, and I might go back and get it this weekend. As it was, the saleslady picked out quite an ensemble for me, and I looked damned hot, if I indeed say so myself. Naturally, every time I walked into a joint that night, I ran the Saturday Night Fever music in my head.

We went to a birthday dinner party for a friend, and one of the guys rented a limo for transport. That was probably the highlight of the night, not just because of the limo, but because of people's reactions when you get out of it.

"Hey, a limo! Wonder what famous person is coming out [then I pop out] ... who the hell is that guy?" Heh.

Sunday was recovery day, and one of my favorite movies just happened to be showing - Dazed and Confused. It's a weird thing - it's not a great movie in any way, but I love it, and I always get a little sad at the end because it reminds me of high school. If you haven't seen it, check it out - for the ladies, Matthew McConaughey is in it, for the guys, a number of hotties. Lots of drug references, partying, 70s music, and some good comedy. What's not to like?

Here's a real fun thing. I sleep with my windows open, even when it's this hot (I turn on the A/C with the windows open - more brilliance), and one of my neighbors has this alarm clock that beeps and doesn't go off. The thing is still going when I leave for work. This same thing happened last year for about a month, and it's more annoying than sitting between Kathy Griffin and Carrot Top for a week. Problem is, I can't seem to figure out which house it is coming from, so I just have to deal. Fun!

Hit Sam's Club yesterday as well, for my quarterly fill of huge quantities of all things meat. My favorite line in this joint, which I seem to hear all the time: "That's not a bad price!". It never fails. I'll look up, and someone will be staring at a case of marshmallow fluff, or a gallon of underwear or something along those lines. Yeah!

Funny note ... well, to me, at least. Was checking this online dating site, and this lady had a profile up with this title: "I am a one man women". Women, eh? Hmm. I have so many bad thoughts about that one, I'm just going to let it pass.


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