Monday, September 26, 2005

Fiddlesticks! Man, I love that word. Is that a word or two? Eh, I'm going with one. Say it right now. See? It's an excellent sub for a cuss word, too, especially if you say it with enough force.

Oh, cut me off, will ya?! Fiddlesticks to you, mofo!
Gas is HOW MUCH? Fiddlesticks!
For fiddlestick's sake!

Ok, the last one doesn't work as well without a good F bomb. But, ya get the point.

Just watched The Ring 2. Sucked. Moving on.

You know what was always a good joke as a kid. When you'd do the fake piece of gum thing. You know, you'd take a wrapper, and wrap the thing up like it was a piece of gum, then offer it to a buddy. I think I'm going to start doing that again, just to be a dope.

Um, the weekend. Let's see what I can recall. Well, clearly, I'm a major glutton for punishment, because I went back to the Bay Cafe for their happy hour on Friday ... and, once again, I left the Bay Cafe pretty tipsy before the sun was even down. Friggin' sun. It's clearly the sun's fault, not mine. I'm going to have that fixed soon.

From there, went to Fed Hill to a birthday party for two buddies. I'm starting to sour on Fed Hill a bit. It just seems to be getting kinda young. Yeah, yeah, the ol' "no, you're just getting old" noise ain't gonna work, so shut off. Anyway, I bounced around there for a couple of hours, then took a cab to Portside. I can't help it! That place is like a magnet for whatever reason.

So, after the joint closes, I'm having some pizza with some late night folks, and I somehow get into this odd confrontation with this chick. She's talking all kindsa trash, and finally, I challenge her to a duel at the top of the hill which is in the center of the square. It was kinda weird - I actually thought she was going to start throwing, and I was prepared to basically to Karate Kid stuff to block ... you know, paint the fence, wax on, loofah Mr. Miagi's back fat ... wait, that wasn't one of the things. Anyway.

So, we get up there, square off, and she gives me a big wet kiss on the cheek. I actually recoiled a bit, because I was expecting her to swing. Never let it be said that I don't live one strange life.

Saturday was pretty boring. I was half-assed invited to a bachelor party (don't ask ... let's just say that I have a couple of friends that are half-assed in a lot of ways, especially reliability), but I decided to stay in and PPV The Ring 2. Yeah, I know I said I just watched it, but I started on Saturday, and it put me to sleep. Never a good sign when a scary movie puts you to sleep.

Sunday was hecka interesting, though. Went to the Fed Hill Festival (there's always a festival there - don't ask me the name, cuz I dunno), and proceeded to walk up to my friends and immediately see my ex. Great start! She hasn't talked to me since the breakup, so I gave her a wave and she gave me some ice crystals back via visionquest.

The festival was cool - lotsa beeeeeautiful women, football, drinks ... what's not to like? Now, here comes the funny part of the weekend. I come home, and decide I'm going to hit the Bay Cafe Jamician'me Crazy party, which is a pretty happening Sunday night thing around here. So, I take a quick shower, put on some fancy duds, and head out. I get down there, and I am FIRED UP about this. I walk in, and there are all of 7 people at the bar. D'oh. Eh, I figure something must be going on up on the Square, right? C'mon, people! I walk up to Portside, and there are 5 people sitting at the bar watching Family Guy. Holy socks, Batman!

So I went home and ate turkey pot pie. Well, not really, but it sounds funnier that way.

I also just ruined one of my cool new shirts that I bought. It accidently got put in with my work shirts ... uh, dry clean only dumbass. So, if you know any little people that need a fancy, wrinkled shirt, lemme know. Stupid me.


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