Monday, May 10, 2004

- Just heard REM "Don't Go Back to Rockville" on Muzak while on hold. I have some weird knack for being able to recognize Muzak songs. I'll be walking in the supermarket, suddenly, Prince - "1999". Not sure if it's a marketable skill or not.

- Just can't party like I used to. Turned it up a notch on Friday this past weekend, and I was in bed asleep by 11:00 on Saturday. Oh, and don't rent the movie "The Cooler". William H Macy naked is not something you want to sleep on. Oy.

- I have the world's greatest cell phone. On my ride to work today, I noticed that I had a new message, which wasn't there the night before. Upon checking it, I found that it was a message from Saturday night from a buddy who wanted to go grab a drink. Thanks, celly! That's quality. 'Course, since I was in bed by 11, I'm not sure it really mattered.

- I got the absolute worst haircut in the history of my lifetime on Friday, and that includes the ones I gave to myself when I was 10. Every single hair is the same length. I look kinda like a Chia pet, although a Chia pet has better head hair coverage. On that same note, is there anything worse than the feeling after a bad haircut? I kept going over and over in my head where I went wrong in my directions to the cutter. 'Twasn't her fault, I screwed up the directions and didn't pay attention. Once I realized what was going on with my head, 'twas too late. C'est la vie. Luckily, I have a lot of hats.

- Remember spring? I don't. It's been about 3 years since there has been one around here. A week or so ago it was chilly and rainy, now it's about 80 degrees and sweaty hot. If we're going to fast forward seasons, who forgot to vote for winter?

- This just in - cats really dig hot, sweaty weather. Basically, they turn into rugs on my hardwood floors. They spread out as much as possible, and barely move. They do tend to get a bit pissed when I wipe my feet on them, and they don't like to be vacuumed. Tip o' the day.

- Survivor hasn't just jumped the shark, it's been eaten by one. Watched the finale and reunion last night - horrendous. Watching adults behave like children gets kinda old after a bit, I suppose. Luckily, I have TIVO, so I only wasted 2 hours of my life instead of the 3 it took you Muggles to watch it in real time.


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