Friday, November 02, 2007

So, I was working a dog event recently, and we had this li'l Jack Russell terrier whose name was ... "Moo Shu." Um. Ok, I might be a little nuts, but I think there's something a little heinky about naming your dog and/or cat after a Chinese dish. Just a thought. In related news, I also wouldn't name: ...

... my pet horse "Elmer"
... my pet cow "Brisket"
... my pet chicken "Cordon Bleu"

You get the idea.

I just found out that ESPN Classic is airing re-runs of Kiana's Flex Appeal. This show, along with Marcia Brady, Wonder Woman, and every episode of Fantasy Island, helped get me through puberty (ok, puberty lasted over 10 years for me ... so sue me). Gotta say, if the women in my gym dressed like the women on this show, I'd be in phenomenal shape, cuz I'd never leave. Today, she had on this tiny top with a black leather vest. You heard me ... black ... leather ... vest. 'Course, the dude she was working out with had on red leather pants and a gray tank top. Suffice it to say, if a dude came into my gym wearing that outfit, I'd either have to move to another country or become a priest. Just sayin'.

So, there's this television writer's strike going on. Naturally, my first question is how can you tell? I'm guessing the folks at VH1 aren't too bothered by it. I'm convinced they've set up a program on their computer that just randomly generates shows about the 80s - I Remember the 80s, Top 108 Songs of the 80s, I Got Herpes in the 80s, etc. Every now and then, they toss in a 90s or a 70s just to screw us up ... and to get yet another look at those sweet mustaches and bell bottoms from the 70s. I can't wait for 20 years from now, when they have to figure out how to handle this decade. Remember the Aughts!

Naturally, I'm watching one of these shows the other night. Yes, I have no shame. Pipe down! At one point, they're talking to Thomas Dolby, and he mentions that Kevin Federline illegally sampled the music from one of his songs. He goes on to note that he listened to it, didn't think it was very good (shocker!), so he issued a cease and desist order. Too bad we can't get Fergie, Brittney, and Ashley Simpson to illegally sample some Thomas Dolby. Hey, I can dream!

Is there anything more embarrassing than falling off the treadmill at the gym? I haven't managed to do it myself - as has been noted before, the only time I run is if the liquor store is closing or the ice cream truck misses my block - but I've seen it happen a number of times. It's always loud, it's always a bit scary, and the perp's iPod or whatever always seems to end up in pieces and on the other side of the room.

Speaking of ice cream trucks, the ones in the city are a hoot. They run late into the night, and "snowballs" are $25. Hmm.

They have these automated paper towel dispensers where I work. It's fairly obvious that the same people that make the hand dryer that doesn't come anywhere close to drying your hands made these machines as well. They give you just enough towel to ... you guessed it ... not quite dry your hands. I mean, is there anything better than being almost satisfied? I'm sure every girl I dated in college could answer that one.

Recommendation time. Got two of 'em for ya.

1) If you dig 80s music, check out a song called "Two More Years" by Bloc Party. It's a recent band, but the song sounds like it could've been on the Last American Virgin soundtrack or something (now there's an obscure 80s reference for ya). Naturally, it's been in my head for over a week now ... stupid head! It's good stuff.

2) If you don't like food, don't go to Georgie's in Canton. It's on Boston Street, next to the Gin Mill - kind of a quaint little place that's easy to miss. I've been twice, and both times have ridden the flavor train all the way to Pleasantville. Yeah, I don't know what that means, either, but it's pretty friggin' good food.


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