Thursday, May 18, 2006

Jeez, what a week. It's quite possible that I might spend Friday night on the couch, with my arms crossed, staring grumpily at the television. Oh, who am I kidding? When I do that, I just spend the entire night wondering who's hitting on the women I like, who's tipping my favorite bartenders, who's falling down in the places I fall down. And so forth.

Check this out ... I'm getting ready for work on Tuesday, I go to tie my shoes, and the shoestring breaks. Ok, no biggie ... I don't have a replacement in the house, so I rewire the thing through my shoes so that it's equal on both sides, and go again. It breaks again.

MOFO! So, now I'm stuck with a nubstring, which is pretty much useless. Friggin' nubstrings.

Now, for me, that's a rough start. I mean, I'm usually pretty lucky in that nothing really bad ever happens to me. A cold sore is a major tragedy in my house. I figure I'm done for the day ... should be clear sailing through the waters of Bad Karma Sea. I walk out the door, reach back for that stupid Examiner paper that I don't think I've ever opened ... even though they've been delivering it to my door for free for over a month now ... and I completely and totally lose my balance and fall down.

It would've actually been hilarious if someone had caught it on video. I'm all dolled up in my shirt and tie, and I go down in this sort of twisting display of clumsiness. I managed to catch myself before knocking my teeth out on the sidewalk, and I scraped up both palms a good 'un. I think I also pulled my left ass ... it's still a tad sore. Top notch!

So, the Amazing Race is over, Survivor is over ... what the hell do I do now? Might have to re-up that Playboy Channel subscription. 'Course, last time I had the PC, I think I destroyed all the nerves in my right arm, and I couldn't have sex unless it was on a ladder or the woman I was with did some really bad acting first. It's the nature of the business, doncha know.

Ok, I wrote this last week thinking I'd top it off with weekend stuff, but it looks like the weekend blog might be a tad bloated, so I'm posting this now and I'll have the weekend blog coming up. I'm certain that makes a ton of sense. Have I mentioned that it's Monday morning yet?


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