Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hmm ... not really sure where to begin this blog. I've been through a whole whirlwind of stuff since Saturday. Let's do it chronologically ... hang on a sec, I have to go look up what that means.
Ok, Saturday. My buddy Jim calls in the morning and asks if I want to go to the O's game in the afternoon. Now, mind you, I haven't been outside yet, so I give him a definite maybe. I step outside to hit the gym, and it's raining, freezing, and raining. And I'm pretty sure it was raining, too. And freezing. Bleh. Game over.

Side note ... I'm at the gym on the bike, and there's this hottie on the treadmill sorta in front of me and a few spots over. Now, the gym is fairly empty, but some clown comes up and gets on a machine right in between us, completely blocking my view and causing me to actually read the magazine I'm holding. Frick! I mean, how am I going to further my image of being a lecherous old man with these blockers?

Another side note ... I get home from the gym, and Beautiful Girls is on. It's a decent movie, but the best thing about it is Lauren Holly is in it, and she's incredibly hot. In-cred-i-bly. In one scene, she has a diamond choker on ... whew, I might have to towel off just thinking about it. Always good to get extra randy before going out on a Saturday, too.

So, I head out and we hit Pickles, because during this weather, dumb guys will go into the game and the women will stay in the bar. Brilliant! Unfortunately, Pickle's has turned into PowerPlant West. It's really weird. We sit down, and these li'l possibly 21 year old girls get mad because we stole their stools, even though they were empty when we walked in. We offer the stools to them, and they decline. We move over to a table, and they sit on the stools. Whatever. Have I mentioned that I have zero patience for dumb, young girls? I have? Oh, then never mind.

Jim and I play my favorite game - pick the bar for one drink, then move on. Ok, that's a terrible name for a game, but it's pretty simple. You pick a bar, have a drink there, then the other person picks the next bar. That's why I usually end up with a list like this: Pickles, Sliders, Drifters, Magerks, Grumpys, Ropewalk, Magerks, Drifters, Grumpys ... then I went to Canton.

Jim's a good dude, but he struggles with his stamina ... hmm, lemme clarify that ... his drinking stamina. So, round about 10:00, he begs off and heads home. I, of course, go hit on my friend Janet at Grumpys, which is like running in circles. Hmm ... it could also be that I'm incredibly drunk, and am having trouble putting words together, but I get absolutely nowhere with Janet ... I may have even lost ground.

The rest of the night is pretty blurry. I ended up at Portside ... naturally ... but it was kinda weird in there. It seems to go up and down like a roller coaster sometimes, and it's in a down period now. I have faith that it will return to splendor, however. The rest of the weekend was spent mostly on the couch, which has a tendency to grab me by the ankle and suck me in. Friggin' couch!

I got to go home for a quick trip earlier this week. It was quite the fun trip ... ok, it was akin to pulling teeth. My family still lives in Terre Haute, which isn't exactly a thriving metropolis. Basically, every song John Mellencamp sings about bad economy and unemployment could've been written about Terre Haute.

I'm cruising to meet them, and in a 5 mile stretch, I pass every single fast food joint imaginable, and some that I think were made up - Taco Villa? The best was when I passed a Thai place ... think of putting a dress on a pig, and you'll understand a Thai place in Terre Haute.

The beauty of the trip? I got to sample the two finest restaurants in the world - White Castle and Long John Silvers. Ok, yes, they both are horrendous, but when in Rome and all that noise. White Castle or, as I used to call it, La Casa Blanca (yah, I know Casa means "house", but it fits better), was one of the late night places we would go when I was in college. If you haven't tried it ... mmm, don't. You'll be in some pain.

The beauty of LJS is I loved the place as a kid. I think back now, and feel for my parents, because every time I got to choose the place when we went out to eat, that's what I picked. Plus, they had these swords for door handles, and every time we left, I did the "cut my hand on the sword handle/ketchup packet" trick. Total entertainment, me.

Flew back into DC on Wednesday morning ... what an incredible sight that city is from the air. Passed over Arlington National Cemetary, and was just struck at the beauty of it. Highly recommend flying from National Airport, especially if you can hit it at sunset, which I did on the flight out. Good stuff.


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