Monday, March 13, 2006

Ok, let's start off with something odd. There are times when you'll smell something in a place that just doesn't belong. F'rinstance, I don't expect to walk into Brittney Spears' house and smell brainpower. Well, I walked into the men's room today ... and smelled hot chocolate.


Hey, it's time for a new rule! Remember the rule from a few weekends ago ... the "going to bed at 5:30 am is a bad idea" one? Well, I've got one even better. If you're going to bed when the paper's being delivered, that's too late! Back to that later.

Ok, the weekend. Friday, started out doing happy hour at Claddaugh's. Apparently, it was "everyone in Baltimore come out for happy hour" night, because every place on the Square was packed. It was a little unnerving, considering that we basically had Looney's all to ourselves the weekend before, so we drowned our uneasiness in booze. Ok, I'm not sure what everyone else did, but that was my approach.

Now, I tend to talk a bit about Portside. It's my favorite bar, it's fun, it's the best bar in Baltimore, blah blah blah. So, a couple of friends decide they have to see this joint. So, after HH, I decide to show them the place where all my dreams come true. Heh. Ok, I'm going way overboard, but I have a tendency to have good times there.

We walk in ... I'm giving them the full tour. I show them where the young lady cut her foot and bled all over the step, I show them where I met this person and that, I point out my two favorite bartenders, Steve and Azure. I show them where I stand against the wall, where I sit in the window alcove, the bathrooms. At the end of the "tour", they look at each other, shrug, and both note that they thought it would be bigger. I guess I need to work on my tour guide abilities. To help my uneasiness, I drank more.

Since the tour was around 9, I was a little out of my element. Go time at Portside is usually around 11, so I'm a tad early. You guessed it ... I decided to drink while I was waiting. After a bit, the joint starts to fill and I'm talking to this person and that when I realize that Leah Hot is in the joint. You may or may not remember Leah Hot from earlier blogs ... her name's Leah and ... well, you know the rest. I walk over, tap her on the shoulder, wave ... and she grabs my hand and kisses it. Uh ... gotta tell ya ladies, there are cool greetings and there are cool greetings, but that one was near the top of the list. 'Course, then she proceeded to get drunk and forget my name.

The rest of the night was spent in some sort of hazy situation. I believe I got flashed at one point (by a female, thank you), but I managed NOT to fall down the stairs. I'm quite proud.

Saturday, headed down to DC to hang with the DC crowd. We hop in the cab to head down there, and $25 later, we pull up to the restaurant. I go to pay the fare and realize I've left my money clip, complete with dough, ID, and credit cards, back in Alexandria. Absolutely top notch work! I spent the next hour calling myself an idiot and trying to figure out why I would order a Red Bull and vodka when Red Bull does nuttin 'for me. It's really odd - caffeine drives me batty when it's in Coke or Mountain Crack ... er, Dew, but Red Bull is like sipping a glass of cool water. Go figure.
We hit an extremely average restaurant called Utopia for dinner and drinks, then head out to a joint called the Black Cat. The deal with this place is they're having a Battle of the Bands, 80s style, between New Order and Duran Duran. 'Course, I have to finagle my way in by talking to a manager ... who was pretty hot, actually, but it's not that easy to pick up a hot girl when you're begging to be let into a bar. Just a tip there.

So, we're chilliin' in this bar, and the Battle of the Bands is going on. They're playing some tunes that I haven't heard before, which is nearly impossible with Duran Duran being one of the bands. We're sorta standing around, watching people dance, when it happens. "Love Vigilantes" by New Order comes on, and it's like someone turns on a light. Fabulous tune. I'm so into it that I'm almost dancing, which is pretty big stuff. I mean, the only time I dance is if (a) I'm completely hammered, (b) Indiana wins a big basketball game or (c) uh ... I'm completely hammered. They follow that up with "Hungry Like The Wolf", and it's go time. Unfortunately, it's go as in leave, because our buddy Mark is under the weather ... but it was worth the $9 just for those two songs.

The rest of the night was spent back at my friend Ricky's joint. Our host even treated us to a tremendous air guitar/dancing jig which we managed to get on video. Unfortunately, Ricky's kinda like Superman ... he's mild mannered by day, and a bit on the crazy side at night, so the video's been locked away. I'm working on the key.

Ah, and to reference the above, as I'm going to bed, I hear this noise out side, which sorta freaked me out. I peek out the window ... and there's the paper dude. Oof.

I'm off to Vegas in exactly 48 hours! Boo yah!


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