Tuesday, May 04, 2004

- Today's Song That Is Stuck In My Head And Nearly Causing Me To Top Myself: "Something So Strong" by ... hell, I can't even remember the name of the band. Crowded House, I think. Yesterday was "Music" by Madonna. The only thing that kept me from slitting my wrists because of those songs being in my head was the thought that the song would be the last thought in my mind before I died. Hey, I killed myself because of this certain tune, and as I went out, the tune was boppin' away in my head! Brilliant!

- Have I mentioned that I don't like nice weather during the week? I have? Well, I'm doing it again to make sure you get it. Well, today it just LOOKS nice ... it's actually kinda cold. So ha! to all of you happy weather people. To use an 80s term on you for when you get all happy and run outside in your shorts today ... PSYCHE!

- I watched part of Mask last night. How much do you think Eric Stoltz's head weighed with all that makeup on it? I mean, that head was huge, mate! These are the thoughts I get when I watch movies.

- Also, checked out Unbreakable by M Night. Man, that's a quality underrated film in my book. Yeah, it's kinda slow and plodding in parts, but overall, I like it a great deal.

- Skinemax has been cancelled in my house. I didn't want to get into triple digits for the number of times I've seen Panic Room or Catch Me If You Can. Bend It Like Beckham is coming on this month. Think they'll overdo that one? I'm guessing you could change the name of Cinemax to Benditlikebeckhammax and no one would blink an eye.

- There's this column done by a guy named Dan Savage that is in our City Paper here every week. Now, if you haven't seen the column, well, it deals with some pretty heavy and graphic sexual stuff. Pretty comical the majority of the time, too. My favorite thing to do is to read it at the gym, then leave the paper open to that page. It's always good to see people open their minds, especially on the stairmaster.

- Why can't cereal be a friggin' meal? It's quite possibly the easiest thing to make in the history of the world. A close second is cheese wrapped in the cellophane slices, but you run the risk of injury when unwrapping those. Oh, and Pez. Remember how pissed you would get when you'd be trying to load the Pez dispenser, and it would snap shut and cause a shower of Pez. $*%*! Pez!

- For those with cats, isn't it the coolest when you're watching a spooky movie in your house alone, and suddenly your cat sits straight up, stares into an adjacent dark room, then bolts? Quite comforting, that.

- Just finished Porno by Irvine Welsh. Possibly his best work, and a nice little sequel to Trainspotting. Also, another good book to read at the gym. It garners some really interesting looks when folks see the title.


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