Thursday, April 22, 2004

Ok, I'm not some dork who goes around speaking Klingon, but I do enjoy a good sci fi movie, especially when it deals with the future. So, for some reason, I wake up at 5:30 am this morning, and Minority Report is on.

Now, I've seen this movie a couple of times, and there's one scene that really fries my taters.If you've seen the movie, you'll understand this. If you haven't, well, go see the movie and come back I guess, cuz I'm too freakin' lazy to explain the whole thing.

Anyway, so Tom Cruise (who plays himself in every movie better than any other actor) gets his new eyes, and the doc tells him that he can't take off the bandages for 6 hours or whatever it is or he'll go blind. So, they send the spiders into the building (those spiders are freakin' COOL, too, and I don't really like spiders), he gets into the tub, they shock him, he sits up, and he pulls off the bandage so that they can read his eye. Yeah, you know what's coming next. Later on, bandages are off, and lo and behold, ol' Tommy can see just fine! WTF?!

Hey, I have no problems with making up stuff for the future. These are the rules, a'ight, I'm witcha. But then to go and violate your own rules without any sort of explanation is pure horse hockey. I haven't written a letter to Spielberg yet. I figure he'll eventually read this page when he gets done making movies, and send me a response. I want an answer, damnit!

See what happens when you watch a movie multiple times?